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How working with the Starcoin console

How to start the console

Method one

Enter the console when the node starts.

Note: If you do not specify a directory for storing data, and directly enter the interactive console in this way, a data directory for storing the current process will be randomly generated in the /tmp directory. Exit the interactive console, the process ends, and the directory where the data is stored is immediately deleted.

starcoin -n dev console

Specifying the data directory via the -d option when starting the interactive console will not delete it after the process ends:

starcoin -n dev -d . console

. indicates the current directory, and an absolute path can also be used to specify the directory where the data is stored.

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If you see the above output, it means you have successfully entered the interactive console.

Method two

After one terminal starts the node, start another termnal to attach the node to start the console.

# Terminal 1
starcoin -n dev -d ~

At this point, a dev directory will be generated in the user directory, and the .ipc file in the directory can be used to attach the console.

# Terminal 2
cd ~/dev
starcoin -c starcoin.ipc console

More details see below.

How to connect nodes through a console

Local Node provides four JSON-PRC ways to connect to.

  • IPC file
  • WebSocket
  • HTTP
  • TCP

starcoin console can connect node using IPC file and WebSocket.

via IPC file

starcoin -c /path/to/starcoin.ipc console

# In Windows, the path to the IPC file is different.
# Attach to dev node for example.
starcoin.exe -c \\.\pipe\starcoin\dev\starcoin.ipc console

Now, starcoin console attached to the network which IPC file corresponding to.

via WebSocket

starcoin -c ws:// console

You can also attach to seed node of main network or Barnard test network.

starcoin -c ws:// console

Seed node address can be find out in Main Network JSON-RPC address and Test Network JSON-RPC address

Use local account

Once connected to the main network seed node, use the local account database to use account-related commands.

starcoin --connect ws:// --local-account-dir ~/.starcoin/main/account_vaults console

Attach to console by Docker

docker run --rm -it -v  ~/.starcoin/:/root/.starcoin/ starcoin/starcoin:latest /starcoin/starcoin --connect /root/.starcoin/main/starcoin.ipc console